Hookah Tobacco
Filler: Nicaragua
Total Flame Hookah Cigars Original is premium not-flavored hookah tobacco from select cigars bt Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco blends. Total Flame Hookah Cigars Original has a has a unique, rich and stable taste and a pleasant aftertaste due to the blends specially assembled for Total Flame at the world famous cigar factories.
Total Flame Hookah Cigars Original differs from all existing hookah tobaccos:
All tobaccos for the Nicaraguan blend are prepared at the Plasencia Factory in Nicaragua, these are 9 premium-quality cured tobaccos aged more than 7 years from four countries: Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Mexico.
Tobacco is processed by hand and has a medium-to-light strength, a rich palette of soft combinations: fresh nut, honey and flower notes, and well-balanced taste.
It is recommended for beginners. Experienced hookah and cigar gourmets would appreciate the Hookah Cigars Original Nicaraguan blend as a light daily break as well as the cigars of the Bright Line by Total Flame.