Hookah Tobacco
Filler: Nicaragua
Total Flame Hookah Cigars Original is premium not-flavored hookah tobacco from select cigars bt Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco blends. Total Flame Hookah Cigars Original has a has a unique, rich and stable taste and a pleasant aftertaste due to the blends specially assembled for Total Flame at the world famous cigar factories.
Total Flame Hookah Cigars Original differs from all existing hookah tobaccos:
BASIS-505 and BASIS-809 are two launch sites to start a journey towards new worlds of flavors and experiments. Without such a journey, any flavor composition for hookahs, claiming to be a discovery, is unthinkable. The rich cigar flavor of tobaccos from Nicaragua (BASIS-505) and the Dominican Republic (BASIS-809) creates an ideal base for hookah cocktails, experiments and discoveries in the field of taste sensations. The nicotine yield is above average, however, BASIS-809 is stronger than its Nicaraguan fellow.